Distal Humeral Osteotomy for Cubitus Varus


Lee Hunter MD, MBA (Hunter Medical Founder and Chief Medical Officer)

June 2020

45 YOF Distal Humerus Osteotomy for Supracondylar Fracture Malunion

Distal Humeral Osteotomy for Cubitus Varus(Image1).jpg
Distal Humeral Osteotomy for Cubitus Varus(Image2).jpg

The Procedure

The ElbowLOC Supine Positioner used in conjunction with our custom radiolucent hand table simplifies in-traoperative arm manipulation as well as imaging and allows the surgeon to easily stabilize the humerus ver-tically for plate application. This particularly helps expedite challenging cases such as this. The ElbowLOC® simplifies and accelerates procedural times for many elbow surgeries and makes surgery easier for the surgeon, patient, and staff!

Jennifer Hester